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The road to Antigua

We are driving on a newly paved four lane highway and all hell has broken loose between large chunks of rocks from the cliffs on the road, a massiv storm, fog, broken down cars and the usual windings of the highlands, oh and there’s sections that are unpaved without much warning. It’s tough love from Guate.

Hola Guate

Just crossed La Mesilla in less than 30 minutes.


Plenty of topes on the way to La Mesilla.

Bye San Cristobal, hello Comitan

We have a long day of driving ahead of us. At the end of it we hope to be in Antigua. First town: Comitan.

Night walk in San Cristobal

Not another church!

San Cristobal De Las Casas

We’re taking the day off from driving to chill in San Cristobal De Las Casas-here’s the very beautiful main cathedral in the Zocalo.

Luz’s street

I don’t think the Google street team made it here yet.

Patch of blue in the rain

We’ve gone through three rainstorms on our drive to San Cristobal. Here’s a small patch of blue as we reach it.

120 km from Tuxla

The landscape is starting to look more like Guatemala now, selva on both sides and that tropical heat near Puerto Barrios where my family is from. We are still a few hours drive from the border, but we roost in San Cristobal tonight.

The Road to Cordoba

It’s like the road through Presidio but not really.


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