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Getting into Google News

Presentation by David Meredith at Newstools and Drupal Day

Held at Yahoo in Sunnyvale
Each site is evaluated by a moderator
What do we look for?
Original content
Multiple authors
Proper Attribution
Response time
Not all sites make the cut, but most legitimate news site do.

How do we get our data

once in the site database:
we crawl the content
figure out which pages are articles


sitemaps are essentially feed of semi-structured data for crawlers to

I cannot express to you what a boon sitemaps have been to us! It’s a basic
designed to be ingested by a crawl. A list of all articles you have
published, dates, names, etc. It’s an open sic and Google uses it. Saves
Google time in crawling your site.

What does this have to do with Drupal?
–Drupal builds sitemaps.

There is a google site module for drupal

That’s getting your data into google news, now about making your data

II.  Now about search

metions “co-op” program for search

A. Syndicating from Google News
1. feeds are offered for every section or query that you can access as a
2. if you can construct a query to get the result you want, you can get a
feed of the data.
3. feeds are offered is RSS, Atom and XML

B. google news facebook applications
1. we built one entirely on top of public feeds
2. newsmap, uses static data

C. News Data API
1. more interactive API is in the works
2. many unanswered questions:

-what data do publishers need?
-what data do developers need?
-Can we give it to them?

What do you want to know about your own content do you want to know (as a
publisher and publisher?)

Clear Forest API, Reuters is starting to use it.

New approaches: trying to approach synethesized news.

NewsKnight (?) scrapes the content

Google is more clustering based, not classification based.

Very fine grain taxonomies are expensive to maintain and don’t work well.

Google doesn’t publish their process because it comes down to spam.

site: your domain name to check if your site is being queried by Google

in the site map label things that are news and things that are not news.

we like timely good upates. A good update is when the article has a
substantial change to it. But what it will appear to the system is a stream
of duplicates.

Press releases are not useful to users, but they may be useful to

authenticated response is still there and is still going for google news

how would you categorize education essays?

How could are newspapers in general at search optimization.

SEO doesn’t make sense for news. It’s not something people spend a huge
amount of time on unless they are trying to subvert the index.

There are two tiers, NY Times, Washington Post.

Is Drupal adding micro-formats?

Google in general but google news does not.

“We are not journalists, we don’t have a single journalist on staff, we just
build the technology to help the news.”

Buck arrested

This is a great story of someone I know and went to school at UC Berkeley using Twitter in a way that is incredibly effective.

My piece on Eduardo Hauser finally poste …

My piece on Eduardo Hauser finally posted!

Wine and the Doobie Brothers


Originally uploaded by newmaya

Ah, yes, finally a Saturday off for the workalcoholics. You never would guess from this picture lurks the evil work ethic.

Just posted this: INNOVATIONS IN JOURNAL …

“Creating a Brighter Future”


NOTE TIME CHANGE: Saturday, May 3, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
A showcase for breakthroughs in business, technology, media and democracy

Venue: The Domain Hotel, 1085 East El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA
Online: http://artsandmedia.net/expo/journalism/
Phone: 415-677-9877

Just finished reading a NY Times article …

Just finished reading a NY Times article and it makes me feel live I’ve been doing it all wrong. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/17/fashion/17fitness.html?pagewanted=2&ei=5124&en=7d72893aa47831a7&ex=1366171200&partner=facebook&exprod=facebook

Reading this from Bradelectro: BART ( …

Reading this from Bradelectro:

BART (observations from a former pick pocket)
Reply to: pers-647355287@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-04-18, 1:05PM

It’s about time that something is done about ingorant people in the bay riding BART. How aware are you when you are riding BART? I know that a lot of you move here all confident thinking that your just “all together” EEEEHHHHH! WRONG!!. I am a former pick pocket that rode BART for years and looted the hell out yall. Here are some tips and stories:
1) Alway aware of what is going on behind you. I cannot stress this enough. So many people in the bay are locked in their own world (ipods, texting, blackberryies). You all never pay attention to what is going on behind you. I love this. I have actually taken peoples wallets while they are on the phone standing on the platform by literally just walking up behind them and doing a blatent bumb and lift. They had no idea that I was behind them. This goes for on the streets also. I can walk ride up on your heels, and you have no clue. Wake up cause that guy that your not aware is behind you, could be a rapist.
2) Dont put your bags under your seat. Suit cases either. I love sitting behind someone heading to the airport, having them slide there duffel bag under their seat, and I reach down, unzip the bag slightly and take what I want. I actually took someones boarding pass once, just because he was being mean to his wife on the train. Karma fucker.
3) Be careful when you sit on the benches and round seats in the stations. I have taken wallets right out of blazer pockets without even looking. Once I took an ounce of herb from a teenagers backpack while he was playing with his sidekick. He left his backpack behind him.
4) Rolling bags for work? I am not even touching that one its too easy. Let just say that if you require bringing half your apartment with you to work and you dont care about getting in people way. I am not going to care about getting into your bag.
5) People in the bay area are pussies. Even those who act tough back down the second they think that they are going to have to fight and get their designer clothes dirty. Anytime someone tries to stop me I act like I am going to punch them with the angery of a convict and they leave. NEVER been caught suckas!
6) Bicyclists – thanks for wearing those messenger bags with the velcro flap. I love that when the velcro get old and dirty there is no noise while its being opened. Where is my ipod? I probably either gave it to a deserving poor kid or a fish is listening to it.
7) Anyone who worships their possessions so much dont deserve to keep them. And if you saw me in a room with other people, you’d never in a millions years be able to pick me out.
Wake up! Cause you been asleep for most of your life!

it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Original URL: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/rnr/647355287.html

trying to write….

trying to write….

Home sick, but tuning in to this

Check it out:

The I-World Island 24 Hours Event is Underway! and Amazing!

I-World Island opens at midnight Pacific with 24 hour concert

Friday, April 18th, 2008 at 11:54 PM by: Teeple Linden
At the top of the hour, I-World Island debuts with a full twenty-four hour showcase of musical talent.
Here‚s the lineup (PST):

12 am Mikelec Criss
1 am Jackdog Snook
2 am Cromwell  Hoobinoo
3 am Dann Numbers
4 am Allister Westland
5 am Phemie ALcott
6 am Lacoppia
7 am Spaceman Opus
8 am Erin68 Frog & satin Galli
9 am Rich desoto
10 am POL Arida
11 am Jean Munro
12 pm SHamanes
1 pm Kaklick Martin
2 pm SRV4U Conacher
3 pm Virtual Live Band
4 pm Jaycatt & Frogg Marlow
5 pm Friendly Fire
6 pm Kyle Beltram
7 pm Zed Essex
8 pm Forsythe Whitfield
9 pm Kelvinblue Oh
10 pm Tallguy Kidd
11 pm Von Johin
I-World Team are In-World Experience, they deal with Support and help to make Second Life more enjoyable for Residents. They deal with Support Tickets, Live Chat and they also give Service Updates when something goes wrong, via. the Blog. The I-World Lidens arent really as well known as some other Lindens as they are working Œbehind the scenes‚ but they include Joppa, Lotte, Kate and many more.

Call me the sponge

From the farthest corner of my home office I slowly separate the signal from the noise while working on several stories at once. I put my toe into the rapidly flowing tide of information this week and pull out  Eduardo Hauser on Monday morning who I am doing a profile on both for the Maynard AZ Column (badly in need of a new name, not to mention content so I won’t mention it) and for Newstools2008 (taking place at Yahoo’s Sunnyvale headquarters. I am looking forward to the Drupal Day more than anything, but enough about that). Hauser, C.E.O. and founder of DailyMe,  has a diverse background in law and management and is a native of Venezuela.


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