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Fourth Annual International Reporting Conference

It’s so refreshing to hear Amar Bakshi talk about the Washington Post’s PostGlobal site. This is good design for a multi-platform approach, definitely and in some ways is a survey-like, glorified vlog that is very sustainable in terms of cost and accessibility. It’s the essence of back-pack journalism. What would be really interesting is to doing this around race and the elections. It’s an incredible idea! To watch the video of the event coverage go here. For other video about the last two sessions of the conference go here.

Covering the Digital Campaign session at UCB JSchool

2.30pm: Covering the Digital Campaign
4.30pm: Reception (All alumni invited, whether attending the conference or not)
(The 12.30pm lunch has been canceled)

Covering the Digital Campaign
When: April 12, 2008, 2:30 pm — 4:30 pm
Where: North Gate Library, Hearst at Euclid Avenue, Berkeley
Reception: 4:30 pm, North Gate Hall, Courtyard/Library
Tickets: This is a free event.
If you’ve been out on the trail this campaign season or just tracking
election 2008 via YouTube and your favorite blog, please join our panel of political strategists and political reporters for a round-table discussion on the digital campaign.

Matthew Dowd – is a founding partner of ViaNovo, an international communications and brand positioning firm. He was the chief strategist for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006 and for
President George W. Bush in 2004. His innovative approach on the 2004campaign led the bi-partisan American Association of Political Consultants to name him Pollster of the Year. In December 2007, he was introduced on ABC’s Good Morning America as its new political contributor. He also appears on the same network’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. He has been a visiting professor since the Spring of 2005 at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. The course he teaches is called “The Modern American Political Campaign.” In 2006, Dowd, along with journalist Ron Fournier and former Clinton White House advisor Douglas B. Sosnik wrote “Applebee’s America: How Successful Political, Business, and Religious Leaders Connect With the New American Community.”

Terisa Estacio is an investigative reporter for KRON-TV. She
previously worked as a correspondent for CBS’s Newspath traveling the nation to all breaking news events. Terisa worked as a White House correspondent for Tribune Broadcasting during President Clinton’s first term. She was later on the scene for much of the breaking news surrounding the 2000 Presidential race between President Bush and then Candidate Al Gore. In more than two decades as a journalist, Terisa has worked for television stations in Los Angeles, Houston, Texas, Sacramento, Reno and Eureka. Now settled in the Bay Area, Terisa covers a wide range of topics for KRON-TV, with an emphasis on crime, the courts and top investigative stories of the day.

Josh Harkinson is a staff writer at Mother Jones Magazine, where he covers a variety of beats, including online politics. He was a primary contributor to the magazine’s July/August Politics 2.0
package, which looked at how technology is changing political discourse and campaigning. His January/February feature focused on the role of techies in the insurgent presidential campaign of Rep. Ron Paul. He also contributes stories to the magazine’s website and blog. Harkinson graduated from the Berkeley J-School in 2002 and came
to Mother Jones from the Houston Press, the Texas alt-weekly. His upcoming feature in the magazine’s May/June issue, “Tar Wars,” looks at the politics of the Canadian tar sands.

Ben Tulchin is Vice President of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and Director of the firm’s California office. Tulchin has provided research and consulting services to a wide range of clients across the country, including candidates for elected office, ballot measures, labor unions, non-profits, corporations, and foundations. Tulchin serves as a senior analyst for candidate campaigns. Some of his clients have included DNC Chairman and former presidential candidate Howard Dean, former California Governor Gray Davis, U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Harry Reid, among many others. His latest research, presented in March at the American Association of Political
Consultants conference, is a study of the impact of cable television
on candidate campaigns.

Discussion Moderator Scott Lindlaw has spent 16 years covering politics, policy and government for the Associated Press. That’s included two statehouse assignments and four years as a White House correspondent, spanning the first term of George W. Bush.Lindlaw received his MJ at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism in 1992 Today he is based at AP San Francisco, where he specializes in investigative projects with an emphasis on the military and national security.

NextNewsroom live broadcast on Ustream from Duke

I am finally at the tail end of my two-week East Coast trip that started out in Boston for the Maynard Media Academy at Harvard, then moved into retreat mode in the corners of Cape Cod, and now I’m at Duke for Chris O’Brien’s NextNewsroom Knight Media Challenge grant project. Check it out, we’re live streaming and I’m behind the camera recording.

Click here for the Ustream.

Follow it on Twitter or go to the Ning group and watch it.

More later once I stop multi-tasking and gather my thoughts.

Age and the dying of the ties

I’ve been thinking about growing old in America and what it means to have an entire generation of people my age who did not have much experiences with inter-generational households. In particular I’ve been thinking about what it means as far as emotional ties to our elders, their process of aging, our own process of aging and our emotional ties to the people attached to those processes. I say this in the context of having undergone a few revelations lately.

First, my grandmother, mi abuelita, who I spent the earlier part of my life with, became a vital part of our household when Brad and I were preparing for our wedding in December. In a week I saw her step out of her depression and her isolation by being part of our small random community of international artists, musicians, journalists, nonprofit workers and random yoga teachers and people that loved and respected her. I wanted her to stay and to not go home once her two weeks ended and I realized that what I was desperately missing in my own life was that emotional tie to an elder I shared so much of my life with. In speaking to my uncle, Brad and also my grandmother the idea has now been rolling around that she should come live with us. And it makes sense for us to share our lives this way.

Second, Brad’s grandfather has cancer. It has spread to his lungs and he was in a coma a week ago. Brad’s reaction to his grandfather’s illness is vastly different to what my reaction would be if my grandmother were sick. He doesn’t know what to do, what to say and is a bit confused about his role in this process of his grandfather, now in his early 90s, potentially dying soon, though within an uncertain time frame which makes it harder. I tell Brad that if my grandmother had lost 30 pounds and had been in a coma, I would take leave of absence from my job or I would call her everyday. Nonetheless, my sleep would also be a much less comfortable sleep from my 7 hours flight from California to her if I did not somehow make time to go see her. I start to think about his response and know that my husband is not a heartless person. He is kind and I know he loves his grandfather, so why this response? What connection was lost?

The line that connected all these dots today came when I landed in North Carolina and had dinner with my two gay moms, Ellen and Rosemary, both mentors, elders and spiritual leaders. I watched their magical dance all evening as they nurtured, nagged, laughed, and ended each other’s sentences or shared obscure medical knowledge (both of them having doctorate’s). Both are in their 70s, both are extremely well-educated, independent and caring. Ellen’s cancer has recurred and Rosemary has had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in the past year and here they were both typing away on their laptops, dog and cat at their side, living their aging with respect and love for each other. I looked and looked and could not put my finger on it, so I started to articulate it not knowing exactly what I was trying to get at. I started slowly. “You are both exceptional people, but how many people, same sex or not, are doing what you’re doing with growing old? How is your cohort dealing with aging?

Ellen looked at me confused and then answered that everyone has to deal with again, all couples or single people have to go through it. Rosemary recommended this Web site. Yes, I said, but I have not real models, neither from television, nor from real life. I mean the last thing I can think of is “Cacoon” and “Pond’s Way,” and it was sad to fathom that amid all the reality tv crappiness out there, there was nothing that put us into the lives of people aging now in America. It was obvious to me, they needed to a documentary made about them. They laughed and said other people had said that. I tell them they are my models for aging and for doing it with style and integrity.

Whatever will come it I don’t know, but these realizations make me more mindful and give me a better framework to work from.

Race and Ethnicity in the 2008 Presidential Contest at UC Berkeley: live blogging this…

When: March 19, 2008, 4:00 pm — 5:00 pm
Where: North Gate Library, Hearst at Euclid Avenue, Berkeley
Reception: 5:00 pm, North Gate Hall, Courtyard/Library

Join Boalt Law School Dean and civil rights expert Christopher Edley in conversation with Boalt lecturer and immigration policy expert Maria Echaveste on how race, ethnicity and immigration are playing out in the presidential race. Both Edley and Echaveste served in the administration of President Bill Clinton. Now he is an Obama adviser and she is working on the Clinton campaign. They also happen to be married to each other.

Echaveste and Edley will share their well-considered (but often conflicting) views on how Obama’s blackness has been covered, why Latinos favor Clinton so strongly, how immigration will be a factor in the general election, and whether this election is moving this country — and the press — beyond race or miring us deeper in outdated ways of viewing racial issues.

Event contact:
Tyche Hendricks

I. Covering issues of race, gender and identity

A.    Questions that have come up

II. Christopher Edley

I worked in the first Clinton term in the White House and in the course of that consultancy I met what’s her face. I have a high regard and loyalty to them. Barack is a former student of mine from Harvard Law School as was Elliott Spitzer. My reasons for supporting Obama not withstanding my affection for him is that while both are extremely intelligent I count Obama as one of the 3 most extraordinary intellects in public life, I put him in the same league as Bill Clinton  and Frankton. I have worked in a half-a-dozen presidential campaign so it’s a large sample again which I make this comparison.

Beyond being extremely intelligent comes his policy work. He has a capacity and a moral compass and of whom he is which was reflected in his speech last night. Even as a law student it set him apart as his peers. You have to be able to combine policy work with a strong moral compass, it’s crucial when tough issues comes to him. The third reason I support him is his capacity for values-based leadership and it’s more than his rhetorical skills.

It’s also important o have someone who has the leadership skills to move the American people with you and develop a different sense of the possibilities both for the legislative and executive branch. If you don’t have those skills then you are forced to do your politics within an envelope. I am confident that what Obama offers us is the ability to approach all the issues in a way that doesn’t take the current politics as a fixed, as a given, but creates something more dynamic.

The fact that he was African-American was a net minus to me. I chose him as a leap of, not faith, but as a leap of hope. You know I don’t think America is ready but I’m ready to invest some time to put into that hope.

As I told a New York Times reporter this is the season for hope.

Echaveste : Why I chose to support Hillary Clinton….but having Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama you have race and gender competing for our understanding. I chose Hillary because I have too close of an eye group of what it takes to be a president day to day. Watching the president have to deal with the number of issues that come at you really requires [she drops off]. Hillary is incredibly gifted at dealing with those things. What we are facing now, the consequences are just so huge. For the next generation it’s that important.

Talks about the Clinton fatigue, the Bush-Clinton dynasty…
I needed someone to roll up his or her sleeves and start working and to move the legislative process. I know her to be a caring, compassionate person and the person you can like.

The election is more of a personality competition and that’s part of the public’s decision to vote.

Both candidates are significantly better for our country. I am prepared to work and support for whoever the nominee is.

I know how Washington works and the demands of the president. You may think a president Obama may be able to persuade Congress to take certain actions, immediately they will pull at him. As someone who ran the President’s liaison, I know how that job is.  I would have wanted a little more of the testing of his ability to persuade other members of Congress to support them.

Hendricks: How do you read the Reverend’s speech?

Echaveste : This is the latest iteration on struggling with language to talk about race. The right situation was a teachable moment and [obama] used it. Whether the American public is ready to think about what he said is another question.

Edley:  I think the speech was phenomenal and it will go down as one of the most important and significant leaders in our generation. It might not soar because of its connection to Rev. Wright. He took these issues about Wright and said it’s about what Wright said, it’s about this bigger issue, it’s about who I am, who the country is and the original sin of this country. I say race is not rocket science. Race is harder than rocket science. Race is hundreds of years and we still screw it up. So to have a president like Clinton or a leader like Obama who recognize it and put their intelligence to work to grapple with it is just fabulous. He did not try to dance around Wright and reduce the damage. HE said the way I’m going to deal with this is to be forthright about who I am. It’s something that makes him feel “serene” and he puts it out for the public to decide.

there’s a certain redemptive quality to be liberal and forthcoming about it.

It will have proved to be a political plus because it was he. Do people feel comfortable with this person, his personality, and their qualities. People got a good glimpse of it yesterday.

Echaveste: How to you draw these experience questions without the race card coming up? How can I raise them without this coming up? Obama is naïve about this ability to work with Congress.

Christopher Edley: The question is when is the race card being played?

Race card being, using race in a way that triggers the ugliest of feelings we have about race and gender. Or it gets played to criticize. The test is not did the speaker intend to tap into or animate racial animus. I don’t think the test is purely one of intent. There’s something between an intent test and an extreme paranoia test. So where do you draw the line. The answer is we haven’t figured it out. This campaign is an opportunity for Maria and I to engage in that discussion about what you can and can’t say. It behooves us all to be extremely cautious. What  Bill Clinton said played into a familiar narrative of the incompetent black male the childish or immature black male, but yet he’s beating her in polls and he’s winning.  I admit that it’s a small percentage of the population that heard it that way, but I did.

I was deeply disappointed in him personally.

Tyche Hendricks: Reviews racial comments made.

Echaveste: How do I point out that being able to give a good speech isn’t the only thing being required of a president. It has to do with competence vs. idealism, pragmatism vs. idealism.

Christopher Edley:  I reject and denounce these dichotomies. What Geraldine Ferrara said, the impact of her words on political discource on the America public. I think the impact of her words was to say to a certain segment of her audience to say “for all those who are doubtful of Affirmative Action, watch out for this guy”….There is a list of things in this campaign and offenses that are pushing buttons. It’s important to create the context for these discussions.

Echaveste: The man is brilliant, but how do you have a discussion about the qualities and skills. There’s a zone of protection around Obama when it comes to race and there’s no similar zone of protection around Hillary when it comes to gender.

One of the hardest decisions for her to make is to go and be a political wife and it’s a highly personal decision to make and in both cases you have to believe that your set of skills and experiences are what the country needs. She had the name recognition because she was the first lady, but she was the most famous not-known person. Gender and gender-bias is much more subtle. It may be that she’s captive of a generation that says I’m not going to use my gender and how that can make me a much better elected official. But she didn’t do it. But how do you not use gender. For both of them in the remaining weeks of this campaign, part of who she is because she’s a woman and part of who Obama is is because of his gender, but that’s not the totality because we want people to be judged as individuals.

Is SXSW for journalists?

.mcrmeebo { display: block; background:url(“http://widget.meebo.com/r.gif”) no-repeat top right; } .mcrmeebo:hover { background:url(“http://widget.meebo.com/ro.gif”) no-repeat top right; } http://www.meebo.com/rooms

Mark Davis at the Ischool, UC Berkeley in April, 2007

Mark Davis
April 26, 2007

Social Media Guru in 110 South Hall – iSchool

The nature of information, how to rethink it

Context content community

2.7B cell phones on planet – networked mm computers

2010 – 4B will be Internet access will come from mobile

Changes info science.

The four questions:

How many of you read text every day?
How many write text every day?
How many of you look at photos, or listen to audio, watch TV, DVDs
How many take photos, record audio…

We are all becoming MM producers.  What happens when everyone has?
Networked vid recorders worldwide.

Hyping iSchool and the field.

Prof Kalay is here from center of new media, CNM.

Ask and investigate fundamental questions and assumptions are the keys
To intellectual and tech innovation.
What is information?
What is a document?
What is a person?
What is context?
What is a computational system?
How do we understand what we see?

Interdisciplinary Innovation

Design is the mediating practice connecting humanistic, social
Scientific, and tech disciples in an iterative process of
(De) constructing theories and (de) constructing artifacts.

If you are not fluent in clashing of sections of multiple disciplines
You can’t innovate.

Conduit metaphor vs. toolmakers paradigm

What is information?

Most people have a naive model of info processing.  Dominant models
Exist. Different model evolved for information … it’s a process. The
Toolmaker’s paradigm.

Signals are passed, not objects.  Meaning is enacted in dialogue.

What am i storing?  Create a mechanism for process.

Can we be human without tools?  It requires technology, language and
Culture. We need other people to be human. Human is a function of a
sociotechnical system.

When you think about it this way, you innovate.  Design for this
world.  Billions of people and mobile computers.

What kind of company is Yahoo?
media? tech?
a people company. you customers are valuable to the company. from
consumption to production.

2005  to be the most essential global Internet service for consumers
and biz

2007 to connect people to their passions, their communities and the
world’s knowledge

The Internet is not a doc repository

The Internet is a live network that connects humans around the planet.
socio-technical system

Social media becomes a platform, programmable network.

Systems Theory to Social Media
… computational history
HCI Interlude

What are the incentives? economics, social science
How do I structure the system?
Interdisciplinary …

How do users connect to each other?
What flows over the network?

II. What is social media?

A. definition
1. Media made by and for users in communities
a business model in which” our customers are our suppliers”

how do you motivate people to participate online
game dynamics proves a more powerful way to do this
social media is a radical change in the business model and it’s also a
new way to socialize

media made by and for users

>From systems theory to social media
networks that connect humans to computer together
it’s not just as computer system there’s human and computer that work
but as computer science started to rebuild, there was a limited system
of what the computer-user relationship would be
there will be 4 billion connected to each other in a 4 years

if you think of social media as the way of connecting people to each
design the sociotechnical system, not an application or user interface
design the network topology
– how to users connect to each other
– what are the means of communication
– design the network data and metadata
o what flows over the network?
– design to optimize certain activities of the nodes
– how do you design metrics, monitoring and analysis mechanisms for
the state and dynamics of sociotechnical system
– design way to rapidly and iteratively modify all of the above
– all of this requires radically interdisciplinary teams
– scale changes; “quantity is a different type of quality.”

III. Web 2.0 and World 2.0

The intersection of the web and world and causes you to think of the
nature of information

How do you move through your life? Through space? Through time?
Through social relationships? Create a path of your social patterns in
a day.

A. Types of attention

1. shared attention
a. where and when and how and what
b. you leave a trail of data everyday
c. we’re also living in a world where it’s going to be possible for
people to gain ownership
2. contact attention

-online communities are defined by the intersection of these two types
of attention
– you can take the whom, what and when and infer their relationships
to each other

Exercise: what can we learn about people from graphs of a single day?
Hint 1: you’re given where, when, who (some explicit, some implicit).

B. Yahoo is in the attention business
a. We invite, capture connect and monetize human attention
b. Behavioral technology
i. Targeted, personal, contextual marketing
– what you and your social network wants  where and when you want it
– advertising delivered in the right context to the right community is
a “gift” not an annoyance.
– Understanding enough of what people attend to be able to give them
literally what they want

C. context content community

1. content – the what, the this the strings, the different things
you’re looking at
a. but how do you begin to understand content


context        community

– semantic gap
– sensor gap
gap between how an objects appears and what it is
different images of the same object can appear dissimilar
– what is it that allows people to bridge this gap

Computer vision and context
– you go out drinking with our friends
– you get drunk
– really drunk
– you get hit over the head and pass out
– you are flown to a city in a country you’ve never been to with
language you don’t’ understand and an alphabet you can’t read
– you wake up face down in a gutter with a terrible hangover
– you have no idea where you are or how you got there
– that is what it’s like to be most computer vision systems – they
have no context
– context is what enables us to understand where we are.
o There are other pieces of metadata that the world is giving us
o Model – World

– if I want to understand text, images, video, audio, how might I get
that other metadata?
o Cell phone is a revolutionary body
o It’s the most personal computer there is
o A two-way voice communication device
o It’s a media consumption device
o More importantly it’s a media production device.
o When you think about time, don’t just think about linear time, think
about cyclical time

– Spatial structures
o Maps and trees
o Useful for privacy protection
o Social data structures; the Who would for example by Dana Boyd’s
social data structures
o Dynamic, temporal structures of people’s dynamic interactions
o The flows of data and metadata

– experience flow; it’s a new form of architecture of information

IV. Other Yahoo and Berkeley projects:

A. MMM2 Web Site

B. Photo LOI (level of interest)
C. ACM MM 2005 – analyzed patterns of photo taking

1.Context-Aware Face Recognition

-context is one of the most difficult challenges of computer vision
-if the information is in the photo then facial recognition should
– image analysis alone (PCA on image content) 43% accuracy
– context analysis alone (SFA on contextual metadata) = 50% accuracy
– context+content analysis (clustering on CVA)

He showcases different social tracking projects. Where projects can we
find these projects?

Ex. a radio calendar of where photos are taken.
Tokyo tidbits walk.

D. MMM2 assisted metadata propagation
E. Student mobile startups – from Garage Cinema Research

V. Yahoo Research Lab

A. Zone tag, similar to MM1
B. What’s happening with social media?

1. Data is being automatically gathered from cell phones
2. Tags provide a social temporal information space, so that all these
relationship strings are beginning to create a social map of the world
3. Invisible, intangible, permanent human activity slowly becoming
track able

New word for the day:


>From phone tags, not only can you track what people like or where they
go or are moving, but you can also track how people are shaping spaces
they’re in. So people are forming a collective view of the world that
could be filtered by whatever people find interesting.

Zone tag forms a map from the number of photos and what people take
pictures of from their cell phone and forms a map of collectively
authored map drawn by the attention of human beings around the world
and it’s happening right now.

V. but what do people do with this information?

A. the relationship between media production and the relation of media
B. who are the people who consume media, but tell you a lot about it.

1. roles from type of data and who generates it

producers, enthusiasts, remixes, consumers

C. Old model of one source to many consumers to this heterogeneous
ecosystem of production, consumption, remixing.
Ref. Jump Cut yahoo program

D. there are 99 million people in 7 million groups creating media and
sharing it
E. changing monetization
1. part of yahoo’s “brand universe”
2. leverages yahoo’s social media, communication, info, shopping,
search, etc assets – in a fully integrated, completely brand centric
3. provides fans a place to hang out on yahoo while extending and
deepening their relationship with the brad
4. provides the brand owner with…

F. we’re looking at world we’re going to be able to track human
attention, spatial content and create a new ecosystem of how
information is creating, recombined and routed.

VI. Trends

A. context
– growth of context-aware devices (like camera phones)

B. content
a. user generated content and social media offer a better economic
model and monetization opportunities that traditional media

C. community
a. social search and community-based products and services support
user engagement and word of mouth marketing

it changes the model of advertising quite rapidly

D. challenges

1. mobile software development and distribution

2. privacy

3. interoperable metadata and unique identifiers

4. monetization models

5. merging markets

VII. Q & A

A. accuracy of tags and inaccurate tracking of people
There is a fundamental discussion of what journalists’ role today and
about the information they convey.

B. social networking and journalism

1. He’s optimistic about highly decentralized journalism because the
centralized journalism is very limiting in its coverage

In a world he’s describing he can see other angles, hear other voices
and potentially in real time. There’s a challenge where journalism
will be.

3. There’s a difference between a most popular and most viewed photo
guided by a computational theory of beauty. The same with news. The
role of professional editors, especially where there is a radical
democratization of data and information, is to allow people people to
consume, produce and remix information….

4. goes back to this model:

conduit metaphor vs. toolmakers paradigm

take the paths of people interactions and try to create other types of

VIII. for even more fun

I’m hiring a few great innovative mobile designers and prototypes for
a new team. come talk to me…
-Yahoo research media experience research: email Elizabeth Churchill

Life after the dead blog

After I somehow managed to delete my old blog, which I had had for years and throughout college, I have finally decided to start blogging again and have that beginner’s mind to my new one. Since I am a furious notetaker, I will also be posting my unedited notes (except for spelling) here and have a a medley of journalism discussion and whatever ensues from the sheer need to write. So here goes:

February 6, 2008
11 pm
I’ve turned off the email, the radio, and the random response reaction to calls and online communication. I have done it, I am taking rule of this island, I have stopped being the immigrant and gone native. I am differentiating signal from noise and stopped this madness of overabundance in information. What better time to do it than now. Every instinct inside me has been telling me that it’s time to reflect (dare I say it) to write it down and later decide on the sharing aspect of it all. The world will always be there waiting to listen and to respond in whatever way it will.
I have avoided this reflection because I have sought to avoid distinguishing between information that I would share (and with whom of course), information I would keep to myself and information that I would send off that special friend (the details of which I will keep to myself). But avoidance is not really taking responsibility for the act, it is taking no responsibility for choosing not to act. Even worse is realizing that overabundance may in fact come from the same fear of deprivation and that by having too many choices, too many options I am equally stunted in action with only a sense of having acted by creating these options for myself. But focus and filtration, now there are my two words.
The world has conspired tonight in some way to put me here. I have listened to Henry Jenkins speak about online media literacy and resiliency and the crafting of identity, but even now as I write it’s difficult because as a journalist I’m used to writing for an audience.

Combating the Participation Gap: Why New Media Literacy Matters

Distinguished Lecture, School of Information, UC Berkeley

Speaker(s): Henry Jenkins
Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 4:00pm-5: 30pm
South Hall

I. Digital natives vs. digital immigrants

A. The immigrant

-We don’t say the immigrant can’t do this or that.
-Jenkins wants a real conversation between adults and youth and fluidity of relationship between groups in the online world.

B. Participation gap is different than digital divide spoken about during Clinton era, this was more about access.
C. There’s a fundamental difference between a kid accessing stuff at the library and who can’t store his information and one who has unlimited access.
D. The unlimited access kid has different experiences with creating identity and information as social skills and competing to be a full participant in this society. It’s not just access, but it’s about defining cultural patterns.
E. It’s the hidden curriculum. There’s a different relationship to learning.
F. Transparency – kids don’t have a language of seeing themselves in a context
G. It’s not that kids are uncritical it’s that they don’t have ways to talk about it.
-PBS: “growing up online.”

II. Ethics challenge; how professional ethics emerged for journalists

1. Shows data on use of live journal.
2. You people need tools to process some of the stuff that’s going on.
3. It’s about how do young people treat each other in a community where they don’t physically “see” each other
4. Get the white paper

III. Skills and principles of learning
a. Multi-tasking
i. The ability to scan one’s environment and shifting focus to salient details. It’s about managing and shifting your attention and having a broader view of the world around you.

b. Play
i. The capacity to experiment with your surrounding as a form of problem-solving
1. Try, experiment, explore.
2. The core of a video game is experimenting.

C. appropriation
The ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content.

D. Networking
The ability to search for, synthesizes, and disseminates information.

E. Collective, intelligence, Pier Levi

1. the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others towards a common goal.
a. It starts with the assumption you have some expertise to contribute.
b. Teaches trust in others’ knowledge and social negotiations of knowledge sharing.
Ex. “Twin Peaks” and the divide between online fans’ understanding of the plot and characters and of the show critics who didn’t follow the blogs.

* Dumbing down is the clearest way out of the marketplace.

F. Ethics of learning
a. Gold farming in China and how kids are playing games for money. There is an anti-Chinese mania on gamers.
b. There is no stigma for gold farming in China, but there is here in the US.
c. Find kids who are gold farming in US.
G. Debates on ownership and authorship
a. Appropriate existing media content as the raw materials for their own cultural expression through a range of remix practices.
b. See Henry’s blog

H. Privacy
a. Today’s privacy involves careful management of disclosure –what is hared, how is it presented and who can access it.
i. Ex. Srong party girl who started her blog about sex workers

I. identity
a. Through exploration, youth are able to “play” with different identities in a low –stakes method and environment. Online this process is less encumbering social norms or physical limitations.
b. The web IS your permanent record
c. Need to empower children to allow you to deal with the basic benefits and risks to when they are online and what is at stake.
J. Resources to develop
a. Social skills
i. WIkipedia
1, 280,000 million articles in Spanish

Think about different models of expertise. Check out exercises on his blog.

b. performance
The ability to adopt alternate identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery.


C. Reaching your audience
Independent comments
Artists creating spaces where they can dialogue.

D. new media literacies
Ex. Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick”
1. in schools now media literacy is not integrated into the curriculum.
2. What makes Moby Dick a different book to read is that it’s a mash-up.
3. If we think of it as a mash-up we process it differently.
Reference: Ricardo Fitzwalley’s “Moby Dick”
Old vs. new version of Moby Dick

IV. Questions and answers

Kara question: You use the language of native and immigrants online and I wonder how that parallel/language/reality is going to shape your people’s sense of ethnic identify and also increasing or reducing immigrant gaps and access gaps.

Jenkins: We don’t deal with mixed cultures and realities online. Here hasn’t been a lot of research with diasporas identity.

How much of this media literacy skills building is relevant to adults? How do we teach them?

Jenkins: As a leader of the Center for Civic Media they starting to do media literacy for adults. Ellen Hume working with ethnic communities and ethnic negotiation at Center for Ethnic Media.

Other references and contacts:

Link TV
Civic Media Center, launched in Sept. 2007.
Education Arcade game
Media Lab at MIT
IQ game will take advantage of newspaper sites and create game as a social network,
Marin Levina
Mass comm. Berkeley
Lonnie Brooks
Cal State East Bay does work in convergence


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