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Major blackout in Guatemala

There’s no signs of electricity for kilometers. Radio Sonora reports 18 departments in Guatemala are without electricity, including Guatemala City. The airport and hospitals are running off their own generators and all national flights are suspended for now. All traffic lights in Guate city are off in major areas so it’s chaos on the street, Radio Sonora advises getting on smaller streets. We have been without electricity the past hour in San Lucas. Course it’s just me, Lightnin’ Hopkins and my Macbook. Even the Tigo wifi usb has failed me. Might be time for a book or the next blackberry battery.

One thought on “Major blackout in Guatemala

  1. Mark says:

    In the last 10 months we have had two outages in Antigua that lasted over an hour. Probably once a month we have an outage that lasts for 10 minutes. Some times the lights flicker daily.

    You need surge protectors for your stuff and an UPS unit for anything important.

    Welcome to Guatemala.

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